2020 has proven to be a real turning point: more than ever, music has brought people together, forged ties between individuals and communities, generated powerful emotions and given us strength. Music is the universal language that has inspired artists to reinvent themselves in this new context — creating cutting-edge, extremely engaging content on online sharing platforms. With the soaring popularity of home DJing that Hercules has witnessed, people have been discovering a real passion for mixing, with many even making the leap to performing for the first time for a virtual — but still very real and engaged — audience.

關注我們的 DJ 形象大使,瞭解他們如何開始 DJ 生涯、他們喜好什麼以及他們從何處汲取靈感,追隨您的夢想:成為您夢寐以求的 DJ。

如果您想購買 Hercules(嗨 酷 樂)產品,請使用以下搜尋引擎:

關於 Hercules(嗨 酷 樂)

30 多年來,我們一直專注於數位音訊解決方案的創新和開發,這些解決方案仍在激發使用者靈感,探索無盡的可能性。


讓我們講同樣的語言,熟悉 DJ 術語