
Setting up and configuring streaming software for great sound quality

When it comes to live streaming, sound quality is equally, if not more, important than video quality. . Properly configuring your streaming software is crucial for ensuring that your audience experiences the best possible audio during your stream. Whether you’re streaming gameplay, music, or a talk show, clear and balanced audio is vital for keeping your viewers engaged and immersed in your content. In this article, we’ll walk you through the key steps to configure streaming software for optimal sound.



Why proper configuration matters

De nombreux streamers rencontrent des problèmes de déformation audio, d’écho intempestif ou d’équilibrage inadapté des niveaux sonores liés à une mauvaise configuration de leur logiciel de streaming. Une mauvaise qualité sonore peut distraire votre public et l’empêcher de se concentrer sur le contenu que vous diffusez.


Cependant, la configuration optimale de votre logiciel de streaming garantit un son net et équilibré, mettant ainsi votre voix en valeur face au bruit ambiant et à la musique de fond. En diffusant un son clair, votre public profitera d’une expérience professionnelle et agréable et sera plus enclin à venir visionner votre contenu.


Key steps for configuring streaming software

1. Choose the right microphone and audio source:

The first step in setting up your streaming software is to ensure that your software recognizes your microphone and any other audio sources you’re using, such as an audio controller or external mixer.


If you’re using a more advanced setup with an audio controller, configure it to route your audio sources properly. Many streaming software programs allow you to select specific devices for input (microphones) and output (headphones or speakers), which ensures that the audio signal is routed accurately.

Produit 1

Produit 2

2. Set input and output devices:

Once you’ve connected your microphone and other audio devices, go to your software settings to select the correct input and output devices. Make sure your microphone is set as the input device and that your headphones or speakers are configured as the output device. This will ensure that the audio you record and send out during your stream matches the correct playback source.


You can also use an audio controller to easily manage all audio sources. An audio controller allows you to adjust the volume, balance, and routing of each individual audio source. This enables more precise control over your sound during the stream. With an audio controller, you can quickly mute or adjust levels for your microphone, background music, game audio, and alerts, ensuring a balanced audio mix without needing to dive into software settings mid-stream.


This is especially useful if you have multiple devices connected or plan to manage complex audio setups, giving you hands-on control over the sound experience in real time.


3. Adjust microphone levels:

Getting the correct microphone levels is crucial for clear sound. If the input level is too high, you risk distortion, which can make it hard for your audience to understand you. Conversely, if the level is too low, your voice may become inaudible. Most streaming software includes a gain control option to fine-tune your microphone’s sensitivity.


For a more precise adjustment, consider using an audio controller with physical knobs for gain control. Proper mic level adjustment ensures your voice is crystal clear and balanced with other sounds on your stream.


4. Enable noise suppression and echo cancellation:

To improve audio clarity and eliminate unwanted sounds, use the built-in noise suppression and echo cancellation features in your streaming software. Streaming platforms like OBS Studio or Streamlabs have these tools readily available to help remove background noise such as fan sounds, keyboard clicks, or distant conversations.


Echo cancellation will help prevent the feedback loop caused by audio leakage from your speakers into the microphone. Enabling these features ensures your audience hears only the most important sounds, like your voice and the audio from your game or music.


5. Balance audio levels

Balancing audio levels between your microphone, background music, and system sounds is critical for a harmonious audio experience. Make sure the audio from your game, music, alerts, and system sounds is properly mixed so that none of these elements overpower your voice. If your background music or game audio is too loud, it will make it hard for viewers to hear you.


On the other hand, if your voice is too loud, it may drown out other audio cues that enhance the experience. Use your streaming software’s mixer to fine-tune each audio source and create a balanced listening environment.


6. Test and monitor:

Nous vous conseillons de toujours tester et vérifier vos paramètres audio avant de streamer. La plupart des logiciels de streaming vous permettent d’écouter directement votre mix audio et de corriger tout problème avant votre stream. Cette étape est essentielle pour garantir que vos paramètres sont correctement configurés et que la qualité sonore de votre stream corresponde à vos attentes. Utilisez votre casque pour vérifier votre son et ajuster les niveaux sonores en conséquence.


Optimize audio settings for your platform

Each streaming platform has its own audio settings that you can configure for optimal sound. Here are some platform-specific recommandations:


  • Twitch: Twitch has built-in audio settings where you can adjust bitrate, sample rate, and microphone settings. Make sure to choose the right audio settings to maintain sound clarity and reduce latency, which is crucial for real-time communication with your audience.


  • YouTube: When streaming on YouTube, ensure your audio settings align with their recommended guidelines for sound clarity and background noise reduction. YouTube typically recommends using a sample rate of 48 kHz and a bitrate of 128 kbps for optimal audio quality.


Key takeaways

Configuring your streaming software properly is essential for achieving great sound quality. By selecting the right audio sources, adjusting levels, and utilizing built-in tools like noise suppression and echo cancellation, you can ensure a professional and enjoyable listening experience for your audience.


Proper audio setup helps you communicate more effectively, keeps your viewers engaged, and ultimately improves the quality of your live streams. Take the time to fine-tune your audio settings and always test your setup before going live to provide the best streaming experience possible.